Thanks to the BECLN Leadership Opportunity Grant, I was able to offer the Lightyear Leadership, Education Transformation, course to Buell leaders. I used the funds provided to share principles and concepts of Lightyear Leadership, which is a personal development and leadership training program founded by Susanne Conrad.

The participants had access to videos, podcasts, and documents from to support them with this unique learning opportunity. Leading others through this course helped me to ‘be a contribution’ and offer self-leadership skills and tools to BECLN members. During the course, we dove deep into three main principles of Lightyear, ‘The Power of Knowing What You Want,’ ‘The Line of Choice,’ and ‘I AM/ YOU ARE.’ ‘The Power of Knowing What You Want’ supported all of us to gain clarity on what we want and what we don’t want in our lives now and in the future. ‘The Line of Choice’ supported us in taking responsibility for our reactions and changing reactions into choice so we can show up as our best selves. The ‘I AM/YOU ARE’ principle supported us to create healthy boundaries and connections when working with others. I am so grateful to the Buell Foundation and Clayton Early Learning for supporting my ongoing leadership growth and development. I definitely grew as a leader from this experience.